June 20, 2010


went to science centre for the pixar exhibition with dear siping and our new friend szeyin and ofcos, szeyin's friends! its a pretty interesting exhibition that opens up the many things involved in the making of an animated movie and i can only find 1 word to describe it: WOW!
haha really, so much effort and work have to be put altogether before an animated movie could be screened! at least for the time frame its about 4years. sounds longgg enough right! no photography are allowed in the exhibition hall so yup, we took pictures outside and at the science centre itself.
oh man, talking about science centre, its being ages since ive been back there and it feels good to be amazed by those tiny things inside once again? haha, took super lots of stupid silly photos with siping inside! overall, its a happy day out for us as we go 'omg so nice!' at all the interesting stuff we saw and that we practically camwhored whenever possible :DD