$0.00 complimentary tickets- meaning FREE ((((((;
~went with the whole gang of siping's interning friends and youths from their company event~
where MIKA appears and all the singing, screaming and cheering starts WOOHOO~
love the stage design and lightings and all, esp those ongoing videoclips on that huge screen right at the center of the stage!!!
crazy crowd that made the concert even cooler!!!
for some reason i just love this photo (;
hee ♥ mika on piano ♥ and his voice is jussss ♥ !!
wee lotsa cameras held up as that huge puppet popped up on stage!
not surprising either since its rare chance to have mika sitting there for us to take photo of else he'll probably be off jumping all ard the stage!
as for the last surprise.....
the stage changed into a whole burst of flowery partyy! its was awesomely cute and beautiful!
definitely a GREAT concert by all that made everybodys night ;D
hee tired looking us!
got to enjoy a great concert by MIKA thanks to the free ticket that siping's boss had got for us all!
MIKA's performance was really really spontaneous and energetic and of course, really entertaining! ;D
hee love him lots! and btw all the mika pictures were taken by siping's digi cam cos some nosey security guard made me delete photos from my dslr as professional cameras are not allowed for the concert. lol!
oh ohh i wanna add on that i actually wore 'couple wear' with MIKA for his concert! ha! its me in 'blue and white strip dress' and him in that 'red and white strip shirt' for most of his songs ;D what a coincidence!