May 29, 2010

-8 teeth in total

rarrr i just got my braces out and am still putting on retainers And my wisdom teeth are coming out alrdy! GAAA hope i'll be able to cope with the pain!
for the sake of my pretty pretty set of teeth, i shall get it over and done with real soon! XD

ps: thankyou for accompanying me for 3whole hours at that slow poke polyclinic- just to get a referral letter to the National Dental Centre for my wisdom tooth extraction (:

hee saw this cute plush toys online and realised that giraffe can look really really cuteee too! haha my friends owas say i look like a giraffe when we go to the zoo and then i'll frown~hmm not anymore now that i know giraffe can be pretty cute too (;

May 23, 2010

13 DAYS OF 台北

whoops this post isnt complete yet~ im still uploading photos here for more updates!


the 8 of us at 台北, taking geeky photos with the specs that caijie made over there :DD
and yup, my very longgg post on my trip to 台北 last december will be up soon! theres just sooo sooo many photos that i wanna put up here!

May 19, 2010


-rotatory evaporator- o h g o s h this one gave us problem too! we forgot to cover the vial and our product ended up rotating for a long time
without drying a tit weet at all T_T
and so bosco was saying that our first 2days of lab have already allowed us to compile all our errors into a book haha! the 4 of us doing lab together
is itself a disastrous combination but its a whole lot of fun :D and im really that happy i have friends doing special semester with me!!

my 2hrs REFLUX

my experimental setup looked all good and so i happily went for my 2hrs lunchbreak with my friends while leaving it to run for 2 whole hours,
where i then came back to realise that i didnt on the power plug in the first place haha! o h m y g o s h!

May 15, 2010

miss ong YIZHEN, i misssss youuuu! hee! cant wait to see you soon!

May 14, 2010

yup it was a better day indeed, ive finally got to talk to gary (though its only on msn) but at least ive said what i wanna say.
and talking again like that, does help to make me feel better and be more comfortable with us going back to friends (:

May 13, 2010

today will be a better day (:

May 11, 2010

today was supposedly our 6th months anniv....and weeks back i was still thinking of what i should get for him, but well we didnt last till this day....

the last time we had a date was only 3weeks ago- 24april.
i remember because that was after my first paper....we had dinner and movie, u sent me home all the way to sengkang,
you kissed me a lot on that day because you said you missed me. that was a saturday and we both knew we wont have time to meet till the next friday comes because i have 3more papers over the week; so you kissed me once more for each of the days that we wont be seeing each other. one for sunday, one for monday, one for tuesday, one for wednesday, one for thursday and then you said you'll kiss me again when we see each other on friday~ but, not anymore :(


“Just friends, it’s almost impossible. Especially if it was something more than that. Going back to friends is just a way of trying to twist and mold it into something else, something else that keeps us both holding on by strings, when all we really need is to let go, be free from one another.
On the other hand, to let go- to accept that you aren’t what the other person wants can crush you. But once you let go, once you really say goodbye. It’s eventually better for you. There is no obligation, no worry, and no need to still make the other person happy.”


i was happy before i met him. i would be happy once again.

May 6, 2010

last photo we had together,

now part of the cute memories i treasure close to my heart..

im sorry

i wanna say sorry to myself, sorry, that my appetite had been really bad recently and taking too much soild food now makes me feel like vomitting. theres this nausea feeling at my throat and stomach constantly and its really bad. wheres the gluttony me few months back? -the piggy who never stops craving for this food and that food that i have to go for jogs to burn those extra calories....the piggy who always managed to clean up her plates and not even waste a single grain of rice no matter how much food she'd ordered....the piggy who pats her round tummy happily after each meal while thinking of what to eat next though shes like how full already?!! well, i really need to get back on my regular meals and not survive on liquid and milk only. i want to enjoy food again, really really....and so, im really sorry, and im trying already.

and yup gary and i werent together anymore. for what reason, i have no idea. he just dont want me anymore. this week had been terrible for me. really terrible. i feel so alone, especially at night. its so quiet and id rather just dissolve into thin air rather than keep on living and breathing and continuing this misery. i didnt know it'll be this hard to get over someone. especially when its someone whom youve care for all along, someone you love. i just cant keep my mind off him. im thankful for friends who had kept me company throughout- whenever they can. thankyou and i appreciate it. really. well, when im out, most of the time im just stoning away, otherwise, i'll be crying. theres just so many things that make me miss him. a word that trigger things that we've shared before, a song, or even seeing couples hugging on the escalator....i even thought of ways to die cause my heart seriously cant take this abrupt change that he dont want me anymore. at least give me a reason, just so i can move on.

so, it was only a month ago that you posted me the video- i'll be loving you forever by NKOTB, and you smsed me: "Dear u must wait for me ok...Once i get my life sorted out i'll be that loving bf youve ever dreamt of :-)" together with all your other nice nice smses for me, ive neatly saved them in my phone. and everything was going on fine between us. even during my exam month that just passed, i warned you that i'll be cranky and will definitely behave weirdly while i go crazy from all those revision so you just have to put up with me no matter what i do till exams are over for me. you promised me you would. but look at what happened. wheres our forever that you keep reminding me of. you said to hold on to my hand as long as i hold on to yours. but youve let go of me now. the promises we shared, all gone, gone with your feelings. and what about my feelings?

May 4, 2010

i hate being a crybaby, but how does one control tears??? i really need to master that. i cry too easily :(

May 3, 2010

i hate the feeling when you're about to cry and someone asks you if theres anything wrong or to cheer you up and you try to smile but you just physically cant do it and eventually the effort of trying to smile for this one person has the tears spilling over. it makes me feel so defeated by life when i cant find the strength to smile at those moments.