August 14, 2009


rag dance performance by SDE; love their lively dance and everything!!

they won the best rag performance 2009 :D

cool pirates; but i forgot which faculty are they from

them throwing the girl really really high

and this girl who was turned 360degrees balancing on only one leg; like those ballerina in musical boxes!

human stacko; with super super nice float at the back!!!!

and where MEDICINE FACULTY won the best rag float 2009 :D

another cool group of performers prepare by hall people; theme- underwater!!

with starfishes, turtles and nemos dancing around; and the big blue whale that turns its tail throughout and releases 'gas' (water) through its nozzle!!

and yet another amazing float and dance performance by another hall!!

it looks really really nice right?!!

took photo with the huge octopus in a rush before leaving

and with the candyhouse! though its the back view, the float still looks amazing!

and here's science faculty's float: Mr. dum dum who wants gum gum- from night at the museum!

Rag Day is like a yearly festival 'celebrated' exclusively at NUS only; where all faculties and halls will choose a theme to work on throughout the entire year just for this day. From designing the floats, finding and collecting recyclable materials to make it, to designing their own costumes for the rag dancers; to choose the songs to put together for the performance, to design the dance steps, recruiting new rag dancers and to pull their people in to help out in making the float....everything just for this day. This year, i went down to watch rag as i want to see personally the performances that everyone had put so much time and effort on. For the past 2years, i was squeezed among the crowd cheering for science i didn't really get to see the performances clearly. This time i managed to get a good view of it! And for the first time i can feel all the NUS people coming altogether to cheer for their faculty, their hall and of cos, for some really outstanding dances put up by sde, medicine, eusoff hall, ke hall and kr hall! Its really really amazing how they are able to design such nice floats and that they can make them move too! And those dances are like some well-trained cheerleading groups! I wanna watch them again when people have them uploaded onto youtube(: