September 11, 2009


pictures of flowers that weiwei took of over at stockholm! and she tagged me on them(:
they look really nice and sweet haha((:
especially the huge poofy dandelion....i feel like blowing it just by looking at it like that.

....while weiwei and wengyin are happily enjoying their sem at sweden and hongkong, i'm still stuck at NUS :B anyway, I MISS THE BOTH OF YOU!! come back soon please.

September 9, 2009


That was ailing and her boyfriend taking the candles out using their tongues. Haha its your 21st so you have to do 'something'; and the motherly huiwen cutting the cake- the yummy chocolatey cake!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR AILING! You're still as cute as before and i won't forget the happy and funny times we spent together during our secondary school days(: times with you are mostly spent laughing because you always like to give funny comments and imagine those weird stuff that would never happen. And WOW its been 8years and you're 21 now :B Ohh one thing i have to mention: that the 'you' and 'me' back in sec1 days would never want to wear dress out, not even a skirt! But now that we're grown ups, all of us basketball girls wore dresses to your party! What a coincidence!

Thanks for those really nice food at your party, plus all these sushi and a whole tray of eclair! They're really really nice! Haha siping and i keep kop-ing those chilled eclairs because they really taste super nice; i felt guilty for eating other people's share so i stopped eating after a while. But guess what siping did:
She hid the last 2 eclairs beneathe those flowers so no one can see it. HAHA Don't Do That!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAI HOCK!! That was us aiming our 'party poppers' at laihock after singing him his birthday song! We're already positioned to do that that his birthday wish is that
we will not bully him by popping all the crackers at him, and that no one will blow off his birthday cake candles. But of course we didn't grant him his wish. That was his karma accumulation because, every year, he'll blow off our candles during our birthday celebrations.

Bet you had a great time with us that night HAHA; just that you got drunk too early and had to vomit about 10 times throughout the long night. Poor thing that john, szekai and us, the bad company kept making you drink when you're already so dead; but its our pay back time ok! For all the lame jokes you cracked on us over these 8years. But still, i wish you can be as lame as before, to give really random remarks everytime we're out that i'll laugh till my cheeks feel sore. ps: you puked all over the toilet that i had to go out to downtown east to find toilet.
szekai and john washed it up after hock vomitted twice so we can use the toilet but AHH, laihock went it to vomit again before we....yuck, but this is the unglam you that everyones fighting to snap a shot of when you're down and 'unconscious' So now you know who are your best friends?

September 2, 2009